Assist. Prof. Mateo Gašparović
Project leader and lead algorithm and prototype developer
Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb

Tel.: +38514639223
Mateo Gašparović, Ph.D. is Assistant Professor on Chair Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing at the Faculty of Geodesy. He is currently the Vice Dean for Finance and Business at the Faculty of Geodesy. He was born in Rijeka, Republic of Croatia. He graduated from the Faculty of Geodesy University of Zagreb in 2009. He obtained the academic title of Doctor of Technical Sciences in 2015 at the Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb with the doctoral thesis entitled Radiometric equalization of textures on the photorealistic 3D models. His field of expertise is remote sensing algorithm development, remote sensing application in forestry, GIS and spatial data analysis etc. He has participated in more than 10 scientific projects of the Faculty of Geodesy and he is a leader of the scientific project "Advanced methods of photogrammetry and remote sensing for monitoring changes in the environment (RS4ENVIRO)" funded by the University of Zagreb. As an author and co-author, he has published more than 30 scientific papers published high-quality scientific journals indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC), of which 15 in Q1 journals. He is reviewer of over 150 papers in 25 scientific journals, of which over 100 in Q1 journals.

prof. Mladen Zrinjski
Technical advisor
Sveučilište u Zagrebu - Geodetski fakultet

Mladen Zrinjski, Ph.D., is Full Professor and Head of the Institute of Applied Geodesy and Head of Chair of Instrumental Technique at the Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb. He was born in Varaždin, Republic of Croatia. He graduated from the Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb in 2001. He obtained the academic title of Doctor of Technical Sciences in 2010 at the Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb with the doctoral thesis entitled ''Defining the Calibration Baseline Scale of the Faculty of Geodesy by Applying Precise Electro-Optical Distance Meter and GPS''. His field of expertise is Field measurements, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Precise geodetic measurements, Metrology, Geodetic instruments etc. He has participated in 16 scientific projects of the Faculty of Geodesy and he is a leader of the scientific project "Automatization of Measurement Procedure in the Laboratory for Measurements and Measuring Technique of the Faculty of Geodesy" funded by the University of Zagreb. As an author and co-author, he has published 22 scientific papers published high-quality scientific journals indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC), of which 3 in Q1 journals. He is a reviewer of over 60 papers in 15 scientific journals, of which over 40 in Q1 journals.

Damir Klobučar, Ph.D
Lead analysis and visualisation scientist
Croatian Forest Ltd Zagreb

Damir Klobučar, was born in Gospić, where he finished elementary and high school of mathematics and computer science. After graduating from high school, he enrolled at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb, and regulated military service in 1989/90. years. In 1991/1992. he took part in the Croatian War of Independence in Gospić, and was awarded the Order of the Homeland War. He graduated in 1997 from the Faculty of Forestry in Zagreb. He received M.Sc. degree in 2002 and PhD in forest management in 2008 at the Faculty of Forestry in Zagreb. He received a degree University specialist in business systems management at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics Varaždin in 2018. His research is focused on forest management, remote sensing, the business analysis of Forest Company, investment and replacement of forest machines. He has published twenty professional and scientific papers. He is a reviewer in international scientific journals in the forestry scientific field. He is the employee of a state Company Croatian forest Ltd. Zagreb.

Iva Gašparović, Ph.D
Lead data procurement specialist
State Geodetic Administration

Iva Gašparović, Ph.D. was born in Rijeka, Republic of Croatia. She graduated from the Faculty of Geodesy University of Zagreb in 2009. She obtained the academic title of Doctor of Technical Sciences in 2018 at the Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb with the doctoral thesis entitled Geospatial analysis of solar energy potential in the Republic of Croatia using multicriteria decision-making. Her field of expertise is the establishment and implementation of NSDI, creation of legal framework in NSDI and geodesy, remote sensing application, GIS and spatial data analysis etc. Since 2015 she is employed in the State Geodetic Administration, Sector for Spatial Data Infrastructure, where she currently works as a Senior advisor - specialists. She is a project manager of a project “Increasing the availability of NSDI spatial data through e-services” co-financed by the European Structural Funds and component leader and short-term expert on the twinning project “Improving spatial data services in the Republic of Moldova in accordance with EU standards” for the Republic of Moldova.
As an author, she has published ten scientific and professional papers in international and domestic journals and proceedings. She has given numerous presentations at international and domestic scientific conferences and workshops.

Željka Molak Župan, univ. spec. geod. et geoinf.
Cartographic adviser
State Geodetic Administration

Željka Molak Župan was born in Zagreb, where she continued her education at the 5th gymnasium after primary school. She attended Web school for environmental culture, Higher school for environmental education for sustainable development, Design at the Faculty of Textile Technology. She graduated from the Faculty of Geodesy in Zagreb in 2008, majoring in cartography. She completed her postgraduate specialist studies at the Faculty of Geodesy in 2016, with the academic title of University Specialist in Geodesy and Geoinformatics. She has been working in the State Geodetic Administration, the Sector for State Surveying, the Service for Topographic Survey and State Maps, at the Department for Cartography and Topographic Databases since 2008. She was awarded a project manager's certificate by the Ministry of Administration. She participated in the workshops of the Twinning Project IPA 2011. Office of Legislation. She is a member of the working group for the development of the National Program for the Protection and Use of Occasionally Inhabited and Uninhabited Islands, Islets and the Surrounding Sea. As part of the project "Development and development of occupational standards, qualifications and study programs in geodesy and geoinformatics - Labyrinth" participates in the development of occupational standards related to the field of geodesy and geoinformatics. She is a responsible person in charge of the ERM production at Eurogeographics. She designs and prepares graphics of maps, front pages, posters, and brochures. She is an associate at the Annales Instituti Archaeologici. She is the moderator for the e-consultation application of the Central State Portal for Public Consultations.